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Why should we use Outrigger Pads?

Work sites pose some inherent risks and dangers to their workers. When heavy machinery is introduced, this danger is taken to the next level. Cranes and other tall machinery must be operated carefully as to ensure the safety of everyone on the job. Basic physics tells us that the taller an object is, the more likely small movements at its base can cause the entirety of the structure to tip over. In the event of a crane toppling over, not only is expensive equipment ruined, but lives and thousands of dollars could be lost. 

Outrigger pads would be the best option when it comes to safety.

Luckily, there is a simple tool workers can use to maximize stability for their heavy machinery. An Outrigger Pad is a large, strong surface placed under the base of a crane. With a solid outrigger crane pad, the weight from the machinery is distributed more evenly. It essentially creates a bigger footprint for your equipment. Would you rather place your heavy machinery on a solid, flat surface or trust loose dirt or gravel? I’d take the Outrigger Pad any day, and thousands of workers across the country agree. Let’s dive into what specifically makes Outrigger Pads so useful.

Why should we use Outrigger Pads?

Why should we use Outrigger Pads?

Why should we use Outrigger Pads?

Jiasheng Plastic sells the safest outrigger Pads constructed from High Density Polyethylene, an extremely strong yet lightweight synthetic material. Crane pads made from HDPE can absorb thousands of pounds of force, while only weighing in at around 30 pounds for a 2×2’ pad. It is waterproof and chemical resistant, so it won’t swell up with water and become heavier. Additionally, High Density Polyethylene will stand the test of time and hold its own against harsh elements. One High Density Polyethylene pad may be more expensive than a wooden one, but it will last significantly longer and is far safer.

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