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How to choose the right Ground Protection Mat for your heavy equipments?

Made from HDPE or composites, heavy-duty access mats can be used for temporary roadways, parking pads, staging areas, and storage areas. Even when the terrain is flat and firm, transporting heavy equipment and materials causes soil compaction and damages root systems. Using heavy-duty mats reduces this impact and creates safe access for crews.

There are a wide selection of Heavy Duty Protection Mats to choose from, ranging from uses, sizes and even colors.


Below Are The Different Types Of Ground Protection Mats Based On Their Load Capacity:

●Light Duty Mats

Typically designed for pedestrian traffic and small machinery, these mats have a load capacity that ranges from 1,000 to 4,000 pounds per square foot (PSF).


●Medium Duty Mats

A Medium Duty Mat can handle light to moderately heavy machinery. They’re used at temporary roadways and have a load capacity ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 PSF.


●Heavy-Duty Mats

Taking on the title as the heavy-weight champ, the Heavy-Duty Mats are designed to support heavy machinery and equipment. Their load capacity ranges from 40,000 to 100,000 PSF.


●Ultra-Heavy-Duty Mats

These Grass Protection Mats are primarily used for heavy-duty cranes and military sites. Clearly, they can handle extreme loads, with load capacities exceeding over 100,000 PSF.

How to choose the right Ground Protection Mat for your heavy equipments?

How to choose the right Ground Protection Mat for your heavy equipments?

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